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Direction artistique

Art direction

Being creative, coherent and consistent is the keystone of a successful art direction. Bring out your strengths and particularities in the universe you communicate. I intervene by establishing a communication strategy, an objective and the means to be deployed in order to achieve it. My work involves me in the different facets of project creation while bringing together the right people who will bring us the skills we need.



Letting your story, your values and your projects expressed through your image is the goal of your identity. It must be complete, fluid and adaptable to all the supports on which you apply it. It will define the uniqueness of your relationship with customers. By allowing them to see that you bring what they want, you will build a stable relationship of trust between you and your costumers.

Elle définira l’unicité de votre relation avec la clientèle. En lui permettant de voir que vous lui apportez ce qu’elle souhaite, vous bâtirez ainsi une relation de confiance stable entre vous et vos clients.



The printed works carry with them a charm, a force and a history. These assets are supported by their graphic construction, their font, their shaping. An edition, wheter it is a magazine, a newspaper, a presentation book... brings a feeling of quality that is not found in any other medium. From the model to the printing, I will realize this additional guarantee of quality to bring to your customers.

Une édition, que ce soit un magazine, un journal, un livre de présentation… apporte un sentiment de qualité qui l’on ne trouve sur aucun autre médium. De la maquette à l’impression, je réaliserai ce gage de qualité supplémentaire à apporter à votre clientèle.



Illustration is one of those means that allows creativity to be nurtured, to deepen graphic style in the trends of its time. Whether it is a series of visuals, a poster, or even personalized pictograms... All of these elements are imbued with a qualitative graphic feeling which brings real added value to your projects.

Que ce soit une série de visuels, une affiche, ou même des pictogrammes personnalisés… Tous ces éléments sont imprégnés d’un sentiment graphique qualitatif qui vient apporter une véritable plus value à vos projets.



Graphic design is a powerful communication tool if it is deployed through the right media. The brands of our time flourish thanks to a digital presence that fits perfectly in the lives of their consumers. This can be done through the development of websites or applications that are both intuitive and captivating. But also via convincing digital communication through social networks and which encourages an exchange relationship with customers.


« Great projects start from great briefs…

and coffee cups. »

"You can see projects as spreads.

And graphic design like what you want to spread on it.

Then there is me.. the spreader!"

"The graphic concept that will suit you is the homogeneous assembly of your small details.

Well.. We can avoid talking about everything!"